
Monday, May 24, 2004

I'm here 

A week and a half left. That's it. Then I'm on easy streets. Hanging out with a seven year old for the rest of the summer. Living down town. People will have to come see me though. I get bored... then I get depressed. Only time I've ever been close to depressed is sitting alone in a house with nothing to do. Bordem.

I was sitting at Neptune the other day. I was watching the show. I was sitting right at the end of the center ailse. All of a sudden I had this feeling pour over me. I felt absolutly horrible. I wasn't sure what it was a first. Then I realized what I was feeling.


I have no idea what is going on with anyone else. My world has been full of court dates and perscriptions and probation violations (not mine!) and I have no room for anything else. I have no idea what is going on with you. When is the last time I've had real conversation with one of my friends (I know that answer..Kelly...I love you). I'm scared that I'll be in my own little world all summer and I won't see anything till fall.

I took a deep breath. I had a glass of water. I calmed down.

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