
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I have no time for anything because of all my school work.
However I am talking my time back.

This is improving my social well being by leaps and bounds.
However, my school well being is nosediving.

We need more hours in the day so that I can get it all done but also have a good night sleep.

I hate the cold. I hate winter.
Then why do all I want right now is for the winds to howl and skies to open up and dump buckets of snow on our heads. I want bundle up with blankets on the couch and eat peanut butter pie. I want to steal body heat to keep warm. I want to find that perfect spor between you and the couch and sleep through responsibilties.

I want the power to go out just as my favorite television show ends. I want to light candels and finsih my book in the dim lights. I want to talk and laugh and maybe play a game of two or cards.

I want an extra day. A day just to horde heat and eat untill my belly aches with warmth.

I want it to snow.
A lot.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I wanna go on a trip. I want to go somewhere sunny and warm. I want to be lazy somewhere other than my apartment.

I want beaches where the water is warm enough to go swimming. None of this Atlantic Ocean shit,

That or Europe.

Mom's and dollar stores 

Twice now I've given up on the idea. It's just what happens. Things come up. Responsibilties overshadow other things. Missed oportunities. Putting things off and waiting just a little too long untill it is too late.

Just yesterday I finally threw in the towel. Then one chance happening. Being in the right place at the right time. The all of a sudden you don't want to give up anymore.

grrr this is frustrating

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What to say...what to say 

It was so much easier to write something when it was obscure and hidden, disguised so no one knew quite what you were talking about. But now that there is no stress and termoil there is nothign to hide away.

It just need more time. I'm so busy that is crazy. 6 courses, one corespondence course, two jobs and one practicum.

Though I'm glad that I have one proffessor for 3 of my classes. She is the sweetest, nicest woman. And she is also my supervisor. I've never had a teacher that I have had a real relationship with. It's nice.

I need to pay for school and for books. All the money I made this last week will be gone in a matter of days.

Well this is boring. At least I tried.

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