
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I'm the prettiest curtain-rod you ever did see 

I should be doing work right now but I've decided that I don't want to. Take that school!

I have a massage today....sooo nice. However I only have 4 sessions left and that makes me very sad. I've gotten use to the hour every week where I can just relax and get rubbed down :). I'm not really sure if it has helped any with my jaw and all, but it is still very enjoyable. I think I may try and make it a regular thing. Every few months or so I'll go see a massuse. Heaven, I'm in heaven.....

My uncle is coming for a small visit from Cape Breton. That should be fun. Everyone has that single uncle who is always the life of the party. That's uncle tony, well except that he is married now. It's very fun when he is over. We just sit and laugh and laugh.

Man are my posts boring when I do this update everyday thing. Nothing interesting to talk about because well I do the same thing every day. I'm gonna have to start switching things up so that I have something to write about. Start stirring up some shit! or I could go home and fall asleep to the TV watching LOST. goddamn television sucks me in every time.

I really want to see Motorcycle diaries. It looks really good.

you and I both loved
what you and I spoke of
and others just read of and if you could see now
well I'm already finally out of words.

-You and I both, Jason Mraz

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