
Friday, November 05, 2004

Hi-jinks in the kitchen! 

I had to watch the play last night at work. They moved me from tending bar to inside the house because I have seen the play the least of the whole staff. It's a good play. I mean that. but man is it ever hard to watch it more than one time. It's an hour and 45 minutes without intermission, and it's a one women play. The first time you see it its pretty fucking amazing. You have this one person playing about 20 different roles, and she makes each role distinct, they all seem like they are different people. You seem to forget that she is the only one on stage. You don't know what's ging to happen so you are on the edge of your seat.

But I knew what was going to happen. It's not a show you can watch more than once. I actually fell asleep for a little while at the back of the theatre. I actually had my head in my lap and I was asleep.

After awhile I had to wake up because patrons kept coming in and out of the theatre. It is very difficult to stay awake sometimes. So I just ignore what is going on around me and I went to day dream land. If I make up a little world to entertain myself I can stay up all night.

When I was younger I was such a day dreamer. Anytime I was alone, on the bus, walking home, laying in bed at night, I used to day dream. I would make up eleborate storylines and plots, making up stories that could happen to me. Sometimes they were farfetched but sometimes they were just simple, things that I would change in my every regular life if I could.

I still day dream. Not as much, but enough to classify me as a daydreamer.Now it is mostly imagining conversations that I don't have the guts to have in real life. I plan what I'm going to say, and how I will respond depending on their response. Most of the things go unsaid, but they are there just incase it ever comes up. I guess you could say i'm one of those people who thinks about what they are going to say before they actually say it.

I day dream about talking about the things that shou.ld and should never be said

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