
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Baby it's cold outside 

When I am walking outside on a cold day, such as the one we are having right now, a familiar sequence always occurs. You see when I'm unbelievaibly cold (which happens ofter, I get cold very easily) I tend to tense up my muscles in an effort to stay warm. This is automatic, not something that I am consioucly doing.One set of muscles that is particularily effected by the cold is my face muscles. This causes my cheeks to to tighten, producing a cold induced smile. Therefore when I am very cold, I am constantly smiling, even though I am far from happy. This results in me smiling this big toothy grin to every stranger I walk by. However I am unaware that I'm doing this. So I'm always brought aback when a random stranger will give me a strange look, or even smiles back.

If only they knew in my head I was swearing at the god damn fucking cold

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