
Friday, January 28, 2005

I have a killer headache 

So here you are, checking in to see if Kaitlin has posted a drunked blog.

Well I'm sorry you are out of luck. I got in the car a sobered up pretty quickly. I have a headache now and I'm about to hop into bed (by this I mean fall asleep infront of the TV).

I hope I'm not an annoying when I drink. I know I swore at Iain a lot (not that that is a big difference) and freaked out ben a little (that was fun).

At least I know that I can still sing when I drink. I love "Dirty Dancing" and I'm not ashamed to say it. Sean knows me very well. He knew just what would get me up there.

When you never drink and then you do, you become entertainment for other people. I'm not sure if I like that.

I actually a little sad that we had to leave early. I've felt very in the loop lately, not something I have always felt. I didn't really want to leave. But I guess it is better than not been able to show up at all.

I have to work from 2:30 till 11:30. I am not looking forward to it at all. I was used to having my weekends to myself. No more. There goes the loop getting smaller and smaller.

I think I am having a sleepover with my sister and her best friend tomorrow. Girls love sleepover. I haven't had one of my own in years (moncton doesn't count. Those are weekends not sleepovers). The last one I had was with Kurt. We watched Molin Rouge and stayed up talking till 6:30 in the morning about things that aren't so important now.

So I guess we have to figure what is going on this summer huh?

I just realized (and by just realized I mean I realized a week ago) that I've been bloging for a year. I've enjoyed the experience. I also enjoy that others have done so as well. I've learned more about people I thought I knew well, and I've even made friends because of it (we missed you tonight ron! I had a little to drink. It was mildly entertaining). I like it so much that I have more than one. (hehe...I bet you didn't know that).

Oh and Iain, it's Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes. Patrick Swazy is my hero!!!

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