
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Kaitlin and the Great House-Sitting Caper 

First thing I did when I got home last night was go look at their book shelves and pick a few books to read. In the next two weeks the aim is to read 3 books. No problem.

At 5 in the morning I was woken up by a cat pawing at my sholder "Hey you! wake up. Feed me and then play with me"....this went on for the next three hours. But I wasn't going to give in otherwise this would become a regular morning ritual.

Dad came by this morning and we had tea and chocolate croissants. God I love croisants.

I'm really not doing anything all week. A few errands and I work today and wednesday night, but that's it. Otherwise I'm sitting at home doing nothing at all.

Call me.
Cell 478-6300.

I'm going to go look in my cookbook now to come up with some stuff to cook this week.

Miss you

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